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  •   7 June 2021

5 Signs of Mice in Your Office Premises

Dangers of Mice Infestation

A mice infestation can put your business at a huge risk. The infested premise faces many structural issues and can cause serious health problems for the workers.

Mice can easily gnaw on electrical wires that can result in short-circuits and fire outbreaks. This can put the business at a severe threat. They can generate holes within thin walls and burrow holes on the ground, which are difficult to cover. They are capable of chewing through wires, pipes, and other hard substances, the maintenance cost for which are skyrocketing.

Mice are vectors of various diseases and infections that are easily transmissible unless the furry creatures are dealt with soon. Their infestation is linked with multiple health problems and food-borne diseases such as Hantavirus, Asthma, Lassa fever, Salmonellosis, and more.

5 Common Signs of Commercial Mice Infestation

Mice are capable of dwelling in the smallest of spaces on a commercial premise. They can nest between walls, in electrical systems like air conditioners and heaters, cupboards, etc.
Be on the look-out for the following signs and protect your business from facing severe repercussions:

  • Mice are mainly active at night. They make a lot of noise while they gnaw and chew on substances. Keep an ear out for any chewing or screeching sounds between walls and crevices, behind attics, or any place they will easily be able to make a nest in.
  • The dirt and oil on their coats can leave behind grease marks and smears on the paths they travel by. The appearance of these marks is faint so keep an eye out while you look for them.
  • Mice droppings are one of the most evident signs of their presence on a premise. They are capable of creating a mess wherever they dwell.
  • Since mice like to gnaw on whatever hard substance in their way, you will often find nibbled, half-eaten food items and chewed materials, signifying their existence.
  • Their urine merges with their grease to create urine pillars. Along with this, they also have a peculiar odor that makes it easy to locate them.

How to Tackle Mice Infestation: RATSENSE

The earlier you become aware of any mice activity happening across your premise, the better it is for your business down the line.

You might find many different tricks and tips on the internet, telling you how to tackle mice infestation. However, keeping in mind the severity of the situation, the best approach would be to install a smart surveillance system.

Ratsense offers a mice exterminator surveillance system that tracks real-time mice activity and is designed to protect your commercial premises.

It is a digital system, which uses special algorithms that track mice behaviors and activities and provides a detailed report about the same to the user. There are no getaways required during the installation process, and it is completely self-connected and self-powered.

Get access to this affordable, efficient, easy to maintain, and unique way of fighting off your mice demons and contact us today!